06/29/08 — Gallimore retiring as city engineer

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Gallimore retiring as city engineer

By Anessa Myers
Published in News on June 29, 2008 2:00 AM

Terry Gallimore will no longer be looking over logistics for water or sewer lines or thinking about street resurfacing -- or anything else that usually falls under the watchful eye of the city's engineer.

That is -- unless he wants to take a break from retirement.

For 26 years, Gallimore has spent his weeks serving the city. This year, he decided to retire. And his plans from here on out are to travel. He doesn't know where he is going or when he will start. He is just going to go, he says.

During his more-than-a-quarter-century stint as a city employee, Gallimore has had many different titles.

He wasn't always the city engineer.

When he started in 1978, he was a civil engineer, staying in that post for four years.

From 1982 to 1985, he served as the city engineer, but then he left city employment for four years.

When he came back, his title was the assistant director of public utilities and the city engineer.

And in 2000, his title dropped the public utilities name and he became city engineer once again.

He has served the city as just that ever since.

Gallimore said he has a stockpile of memories from his years, but he won't reminisce about them. He is a man of few words.

But what he will say is this, "It was enjoyable working with the city."

He admits that even though he spent many years here, he won't miss it.

"My work wasn't my entire life," he said.

But Mayor Al King said he will miss Gallimore.

When King was human resources director, the two used to go to lunch "almost every day."

"I wish him well," King said.