June 1, 2008 archives

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

Returning champions

News-Argus Video Report The Mount Olive College baseball team returned home this evening to a motorcade and cheering fans celebrating their victory in the College Division II World Series. For more information, see Monday's print edition of the Goldsboro...

Revenue won't pay all bills for Paramount

The Paramount Theatre is bringing in performances, but will it bring in the dollars? One of the largest single line items in the city's $48.2 million 2008-09 budget is the Paramount Theatre at $681,038. But even though Goldsboro city officials...

Local legislators weigh in on budget process

With state House representatives planning to have their version of the 2008-09 budget finished by the middle of next week, local legislators say they are in agreement with most of what has been proposed. "I don't foresee a lot...

Schools honor veterans on Memorial Day make-up day

When Beth Bouchard's kindergarten class lined up Saturday to say the Pledge of Allegiance, the flag that flew overhead as they put their hands over their hearts and recited the words was not just any red, white and blue banner....

Council expected to approve budget Monday

The Goldsboro City Council will likely pass the city's $48.2 million 2008-09 budget at its meeting Monday night. Among the budget's big ticket items are fuel costs, paying off the debts incurred by the new Paramount Theatre, the building of...

Unemployment rate holds steady in county, despite economy

The unemployment rate in Wayne County has held steady for two months, coming in at 5 percent in March and April, county officials say. Goldsboro Employment Security Commission Manager Bill Pate said Wayne County is in a strong position --...

Health Department discusses cost of living raise

The staff at the Wayne County Health Department has lobbied the Board of Health for cost-of-living and merit raises in the coming year. The department is struggling to keep pace with their counterparts across the state, said James Roosen, health...

Goldsboro Jaycees plan July 4 Parade

From staff reports With only a month to go before July 4, the Goldsboro Jaycees are busy organizing Goldsboro's second annual Independence Day Parade and Festival. The festivities will begin run from 11 a.m. until 3 p.m., Friday, July 4,...

Duplin fire departments hope for funding increase

KENANSVILLE -- Duplin County Firemen's Association President Winslow Tew of Albertson is expected to make the case for doubling the funding for the county's all-volunteer fire services at county commissioners' Monday night budget hearing at 6 p.m. at the...