11/01/07 — Boo-It attracts characters to downtown party

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Boo-It attracts characters to downtown party

By Anessa Myers
Published in News on November 1, 2007 1:57 PM

There were lions, tigers and bears.

There were bite-size monkeys and the smallest gorillas.

Scooby Doo and Winnie the Pooh even made appearances.

The 14th annual Boo-It event started the Halloween festivities off right Wednesday night at Pedestrian Plaza.

"All the kids look really cute," said Lara Landers, the Downtown Goldsboro Development Corp.'s new promotions coordinator.

From Krispy Kreme doughnut dipping to cupcake walking, a few hundred children, and some adults, were having fun downtown in disguise.

"We have had a really good turnout," Ms. Landers said. "I just can't get over how cute the kids look."

Her daughter, Savannah, 10, who dressed up as a pirate, said the reason she likes Halloween is because she gets to dress up.

"Last year, I was Supergirl," she said.

Another pirate in the midst, Mary Archibald, 5, said her favorite activity of the event was the moon bounce.

But like so many other children, she had only one thing on her mind, the very food they formed the holiday around -- candy.

Complete with a black leather jacket, signature hairstyle and guitar, Brandon Willughby, 8, was Elvis.

And just as classic as dressing up like the king of rock-n-roll was Brandon's choice of Halloween candy -- a Hershey bar.

Brothers Ethan, 6, and Zane Turbyfill, 5, came as superheroes.

"I'm Wolverine from X-men, and he is Raphael from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles," Zane said.

Their favorite part of Halloween is the trick-or-treating part, which all of the children got to partake in an hour later.

Fifty downtown businesses participated in the trick-or-treating, and all were elated to do so.

Penny Wright, manager of City Mission on Center Street, was ready for the children to come for candy all day.

"I want to close the store so I can go out there and see all of the children in their costumes," she said. "I would love to see a little girl in the cutest little witch outfit I've ever seen."

Halloween is Ms. Wright's favorite holiday, she said, which was evident from the giant pink fluffy hat she was wearing.

"I think Halloween is a nice way to let your kids have fun," she said. "I just love children. I'm even handing out stuffed animals with the candy tonight."

Patricia Rullman, an esthetician at Salon 150 & Day Spa, said she helps with Boo-It trick-or-treating because she loves to see all of the children's excited and smiling faces.

"It's exciting to see what costumes they are wearing and how they look at you when you give them candy," she said.

Her first time participating, Ms. Rullman wanted to go all out and dressed up as the Cat in the Hat, complete with white face paint and a purple and black striped hat.

She also wanted to help people realize what a great place the downtown area is.

"I think this is a great opportunity for people who don't normally come downtown to come downtown and have a good time with their kids," she said.

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