WCC hosts forum for state search
By Phyllis Moore
Published in News on June 14, 2007 1:45 PM
The retiring community college system president's home county will be the site for a forum to enlist public comment about his replacement.
Martin Lancaster, who hails from Pikeville, set his retirement date for May 1, 2008, after having served for 11 years as president of the state system.
The presidential search committee plans to host a series of three forums to gather input from the public as well as the education community and representatives from business and government.
Wayne Community College will host the first event, planned for June 21 in Wayne Learning Center from 2 to 4 p.m. The other two sessions have been scheduled for July 9 at Catawba Valley Community College in Hickory and July 11 in Raleigh at the N.C. Legislative Building.
Public comment is essential to the selection process, said Hilda Pinnix-Ragland, state board chair.
"We are looking for the person who will head an organization that is so critical to the future of North Carolina. It is important that we hear from the public as we work to find the most qualified individual," she said.
Registration is required for those wishing to be heard at the forum, with all comments to be related to qualifications and characteristics desired of Lancaster's successor. Those wishing to speak are asked to contact Richard Sullins at the system office in advance at 919-807-6969 or via e-mail at sullinsr@nccommunitycolleges.edu.
On-site registrants will also be given an opportunity to speak if there is time remaining after those who pre-registered have spoken. Time limit is five minutes each.
Lancaster's announced retirement came on the heels of a similar one made at the local level. Wayne Community College President Dr. Ed Wilson's last day is June 29. His successor, Dr. Kay Albertson, currently vice president for academic affairs, was named when the state board of trustees met on the Wayne Community campus on April 20.