05/27/07 — Search for Pikeville town manager continues

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Search for Pikeville town manager continues

By Andrew Bell
Published in News on May 27, 2007 2:00 AM

Although Pikeville is still completing its budget process, town officials say they are still searching for a new administrator to replace Bob Buchanan.

But that isn't to say the process has been easy for anyone involved, Pikeville Commissioner Lyman Gallo-way said.

"We live in hope," he said.

Mayor Herb Sieger said the town has received one application, but they hope Pikeville can get a qualified person for the right price.

During his one-year tenure, Buchanan, 58, received a salary of $30,000. During a recent budget session, Commissioner Johnny Weaver suggested the town find room in the budget to raise that salary to $40,000, but the board took no action.

Sieger added he believes whomever the board hires next might be someone with little experience, making Pikeville a proving ground for future administrators.

But whomever is chosen will not have any easy task ahead of him or her, Buchanan explained during his last budget session with the board.

The town board will have to closely watch every dollar it spends in the next year and a tax increase is almost inevitable for the 2008-09 fiscal year.

A new administrator will also be tasked with finding a way to reduce spending from Pikeville's reserves, while finding more sources of revenue to pay for town services.

Buchanan, who retired on May 11 for personal reasons, still has family ties in Pikeville and has agreed to serve the board and town, if needed, on a contractual basis. Town clerk Kathie Fields is serving as the town's interim administrator until a replacement is found.

The job has been posted in the North Carolina League of Municipalities Letter and Southern City Magazine, Ms. Fields said.

The town is searching for candidates with a four-year degree in business administration.