09/28/06 — Siebels will battle incumbent Kerr this November

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Siebels will battle incumbent Kerr this November

By Kenneth Fine
Published in News on September 28, 2006 1:47 PM

Todd Siebels said he made the decision to run for N.C. Senate while ringing the bell for the Salvation Army in Greenville one morning last year.

He was serving his community that day, he said. Now he wants to serve the state.

"I am not a politician," Siebels said. "But anytime in my life I have had a challenge, I took it. I think it's another opportunity to serve."

And so, the former U.S. Marine decided to run for the District 5 seat. He will challenge longtime senator and incumbent Democrat John Kerr.

"I served my country for 10 years," he said. "It's time for something bigger."

Siebels said he hopes voters realize that he is just a regular guy -- a man with an interest in making the state and country a better place to live for all families, including his own.

"I'm interested in doing what I think is the right thing," he said. "I'm not going to play politics. I'll lead by following my heart ... I'm a husband and I'm a father. I think I've shown that I'm just a regular guy. And our system was designed for regular guys, not for career politicians."

And while other representatives might "waste their time playing politics," he added if elected, he would spend his days fighting for change -- for families, soldiers, state employees and children.

Siebels addressed specific issues earlier this week during his stop in Goldsboro. One he called tough was immigration.

"I am not against immigration," he said. "I'm torn on this issue because I'm a family man. A lot of illegal immigrants come into this country and have children. They are born citizens and I don't think we should tear families apart."

Still, he added, there should be more restrictions in place and better regulation and enforcement of those rules.

"We need to secure and protect our borders," Siebels said.

Immigrants "clearly provide tremendous service," he added.

"Let's just do it right."

Siebels also believes in protecting families and children, he said -- from criminals and America's enemies.

"Before we even had a child, I had compassion for children," he said. "They need people to protect them."

Parents and leaders need particularly to keep their children safe from sexual predators.

"(Sex-offenders) are sick, sick individuals who need to be removed from our society," he said. "We need to protect our children. If they are attacked, we need to set a strong example."

Siebels said he would also fight for the people of eastern North Carolina -- for the mom and pop businesses, state employees and military towns.

"I am so thankful for the men and women who are serving our country," he said. "And their spouses and families are in the service, too. We need to do more for them."

And he's against providing incentives to big business. He would rather see tax breaks for small family stores.

"Why would give millions of dollars to these big businesses?" he asked. "We should give tax relief to the mom and pops in the state. This will help us bring good, clean jobs to eastern North Carolina."

The self-proclaimed fiscal conservative Siebels said he also hopes to help cut back spending -- something some of those currently holding office do just the opposite of, he said.

"These guys just spent all sorts of money rather than give it back to the taxpayers," he said. "There's some corruption there. I think we need to take a fiscal approach. You shouldn't be spending more money than you're putting in."

A change in leadership is needed before real progress on these issues can take place, he added. Many of those in office, including his opponent, simply compromise their beliefs to gain a few more votes and remain in office, he said.

"I wouldn't rehire these guys," Siebels said. "Compromise can be a good thing, but compromising one's principals is not."