02/12/06 — Rally celebrates 'Merry Christmas' in February

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Rally celebrates 'Merry Christmas' in February

By Andrew Bell
Published in News on February 12, 2006 2:06 AM

Supporters of a campaign to urge Wayne County residents and businesses to say "Merry Christmas" instead of a more generic holiday greeting held a "victory rally" Friday.

About two dozen people attended the gathering at Wilber's Barbecue.

Allen told attendees that the campaign had received widespread support across the county.

"They are trying to take out constitutional rights. It says in the Constitution that no entity shall infringe on the right of religion. If we don't stand up now, we will never be able to stand up," he said.

State Rep. Louis Pate said he believes the issue is important.

"I had heard and read about it, but it hadn't occurred to me that we were losing Christmas until I saw some 'Holiday Trees' for sale. Once I paid more attention, I noticed the 'Winter Holiday' for the kids and other things. This is a battle we need to join and this is an opportunity to fight back. Christmas should be celebrated for what it is," Pate said.

Allen said the campaign made a difference.

"There are some changes being made. I don't have a problem with other people's religious beliefs. I served in the military to give you that right. But it's gotten ridiculous. They are trying to force the removal of crosses on the graves of our soldiers that have died all over the world. They are trying to take God out of the Pledge of Allegiance," Allen said.

He said many businesses around the county accepted his "Merry Christmas" banners and the accompanying message that it is all right to express their religious beliefs.