01/30/06 — Faison puts an end to Sunday sales ban

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Faison puts an end to Sunday sales ban

By Bonnie Edwards
Published in News on January 30, 2006 1:51 PM

FAISON -- The Faison Town Board has overturned an ordinance that prohibited the sale of beer and wine on Sunday afternoons.

Joani Babcock, chef at the Southern Exposure restaurant, had asked the board to rescind the ordinance, saying it hurt her ability to compete with restaurants in neighboring towns like Mount Olive, Warsaw and Clinton.

Three town commissioners voted this month to permit the sale of beer and wine after noon on Sundays. Commissioners Bill Creech, Lisa Patterson and Jane Hollingsworth voted for the motion offered by Creech. Commissioners Bill Igoe and Pat Rouse dissented.

Mayor Elmer Flake said the vote puts the town in line with state law that allows alcohol sales on Sundays.

"Mount Olive, Clinton and Warsaw have (beer and wine sales on Sundays), and we're losing revenue. We're concerned they will buy it there and drink it on the way back here," Flake said.

The town board also has accepted ownership of a historical produce shed that the Faison Improvement Group has been using as a stage during its annual Market Day Festival. Bay Valley Foods conveyed the shed to the town for $1 on the condition it be used to benefit the community.

Ms. Patterson, who served as chairman of the Market Day Festival last year, told the rest of the board that plant manager Bill Scott wanted a decision from the board, and the company offered to clean up the shed.

Ms. Hollingsworth said the produce shed is the last one remaining in town. Ms. Patterson said it is one of few in the state that still have the original equipment in them.

"Somebody wants to buy it and tear it down for a parking lot," Ms. Patterson told the board. She said Scott doesn't want that to happen. The shed is historical, she said, but in need of repairs.

Igoe moved to accept the shed for $1. The vote was unanimous.