Best submits name for vacant council seat
By Barbara Arntsen
Published in News on June 18, 2004 1:58 PM
One candidate has surfaced for the vacancy on the Goldsboro City Council.
Nathaniel Best Jr. submitted his resume and application Thursday to the city manager's office for the District 3 seat. The seat was held by William Goodman, who resigned on June 2 after pleading guilty to obtaining property by false pretenses.
Best lives on Pine Street and has worked for N.M. Cleaning Service for 15 years. He has also worked as a janitor at Madison Avenue Baptist Church, as well as for the city and for Wayne County.

He's an active member of Goldsboro Chapel Free Will Baptist Church, where he has held many leadership positions, including Sunday-school teacher and superintendent.
Best said he would like to see the community cleaned up and would like to see a better relationship between the council and the public.
The city is accepting resumes to fill the vacancy until 5 p.m. on July 9.
Whoever is selected to fill the vacancy will hold the position until the fall of 2007.
To be eligible for the vacancy the applicant must have lived in North Carolina for one year, have lived in District 3 for at least 30 days, be a qualified voter in Goldsboro, and be at least 18 years old.
After all the applications are received, a screening committee will winnow the applicants down to three candidates. The entire council will interview those candidates.
Mayor Al King and Councilmen Charles Williams and Chuck Allen will serve as the screening committee.
The council expects to name the new person by the July 19 council meeting.
All applications should be mailed directly to Mayor Al King, P.O. Drawer A, Goldsboro, N.C. 27533-9701.