06/09/04 — Everett resigns

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Everett resigns

By Barbara Arntsen
Published in News on June 9, 2004 2:08 PM

By month's end Harrell Everett will no longer be Goldsboro's city attorney, a position he has held for 30 years.

Everett submitted his resignation Tuesday after briefing council members in a closed session Monday night.

Councilman Chuck Allen said that Everett would continue to perform legal services associated with the city's latest annexation.

Though no formal vote has been taken by the council, Allen said the board reached a consensus about how to handle legal services for the next year.

The city will continue to retain the law firm of Everett, Womble, Finan, Lawrence & Brown for legal services, using Timothy Finan as the primary city attorney.

Allen said the firm would submit a contract for the legal services to the city.

"We're going to get away from the retainer fee," Allen said. "We're looking at an hourly rate for now."

Everett said that even though he was retiring as city attorney he would be working with Finan during the transition period.

"After that I'll be helping, doing what jobs for the city he deems appropriate," Everett said. "I just don't want to work 40 to 50 hours a week anymore. I'm ready to have hours like normal people."

City Manager Richard Slozak is also leaving city employment, retiring after 33 years of service. Slozak will remain as manager until Dec. 29.

Mayor Al King said that he would be asking a representative from the League of Municipalities to visit with the council and discuss options regarding finding a new city manager.

"We'll have an opportunity to ask questions, and find out the most effective way to replace the city manager," King said.

King said he is familiar with one approach often recommended by the league, which is to use an "assessment team." The league would narrow the process down, using information from the council to determine essential traits needed for the position, and would then assist the city in conducting interviews with potential applicants.

King favors using an assessment team because he believes it keeps the process totally objective.

The mayor said, however, that the exact selection process was a decision the entire council would have to make after hearing the various options.