06/20/17 — Summer: Today marks beginning of our favorite season

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Summer: Today marks beginning of our favorite season

For most of us, summer began Memorial Day weekend, or when school let out.

But today marks the beginning of the true calendar summer, and that has special meaning. The summer solstice occurs today. The summer solstice is the longest day of the year. From here on out the days will gradually get shorter until fall and winter arrive and the cycle begins all over again. Ancient cultures celebrated the day as the height of the year and held festivals to observe its arrival.

Summertime to us means lush fields of corn and other crops, fresh fruits and vegetables for the dinner table, long sunny days at the beach, lazy weekends when we find as little to do as possible, sudden afternoon thunderstorms, the smell of freshly cut grass, baseball games, and a chance to unwind a little.

We love the summer. It changes our attitude about everything, makes life run a little slower, a little more bearable, even with the heat that comes with it.

Have a good summer. Before you know it, it will be over.

Published in Editorials on June 20, 2017 10:14 PM