06/01/17 — Poor taste: CNN right in ousting Kathy Griffin over stunt

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Poor taste: CNN right in ousting Kathy Griffin over stunt

Comedian Kathy Griffin went too far when she appeared in a video holding what looks like President Donald Trump's severed head.

We wrote just yesterday about civility and the growing lack of it because of just such incidents. Griffin has apologized for her poor taste, but that came too little and too late. The mere fact that she considered the idea of the video shows the depths to which some people will sink to excoriate someone they don't like.

We understand that she is a comedian, and mocking of public figures is part of her routine, but this was over the edge. The image was one of harming the president of the United States.

Griffin was affiliated with CNN. She had helped with their New Year's Eve coverage for years. But the network heads have pulled the plug on that gig.

We think they did the right thing. Others have called for even more severe punishment.

Griffin should serve as an example of how people take their feelings, their criticism, too far in this day of social media. We are not a nation of people who, even in this day and age, think such stunts are funny, even if they are intended to be harmless.

Published in Editorials on June 1, 2017 9:39 PM