03/29/17 — Trump's budget cuts: Taxpayers deserve a break from increasing federal spending

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Trump's budget cuts: Taxpayers deserve a break from increasing federal spending

President Donald Trump is proposing reductions in federal spending for a number of social programs, with some of the cuts proving not to be very popular, even among some members of his own party.

The White House's proposed budget cuts total $18 billion and would scale back the reach of the federal government in many areas. Some of those areas strike a nerve.

But our government already is overextended and in debt, and there are going to have to be some tough decisions made if America is, in his words, going to be great again.

Government that governs least governs best, and we believe that although many political experts say the majority of the cuts will not be enacted that Trump needs to push ahead with as many social program reductions as possible.

Our federal government should not be our de facto parents, responsible for our every need. America was built by individuals working to better themselves and the lives of their loved ones, not by individuals continually seeking help from the government.

Taxpayers are being squeezed by both the federal and state governments and cannot be expected to continue to carry a growing burden. Some relief from runaway spending must be found.

Published in Editorials on March 29, 2017 9:40 AM