08/08/16 — Economic focus: Donald Trump needs to concentrate on his strength

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Economic focus: Donald Trump needs to concentrate on his strength

Donald Trump was expected to outline his plans to revitalize the American economy today.

We hope his message is clear and heard by many of those voters who are still undecided about which candidate they will support in November.

Trump is controversial, to be sure, and has angered many members of  his own party with some of his views on social issues.

But his strength lies in his business acumen, something that has been lacking in the national political arena for some time.

His focus is expected to be on increasing jobs and making the country more competitive by cutting business taxes, reducing regulations and increasing domestic energy production -- all things the nation is in dire need of.

His speech comes at a time when his campaign has been suffering from his spats with the parents of a soldier slain in battle and with some of the leaders of the Republican party.

We hope he can put those controversies behind him.

While polls have shown that many voters are worried about Trump's temperament, recent numbers puts him ahead of his opponent Hillary Clinton with voters who consider the economy the number one issue facing the country.

Published in Editorials on August 8, 2016 2:19 PM