07/12/16 — Common cause: Other states feel as we do about transgender directive

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Common cause: Other states feel as we do about transgender directive

The word that 10 other states have joined North Carolina and other states in suing the federal government over the right to decide what public restrooms transgender people can use comes as welcome news.

We had begun to think we were in the minority but it turns out there are plenty of other folks who feel the same way we do about the issue.

Earlier this year, the Obama administration handed down regulations that would require public schools to allow transgender students to use the restroom conforming to their gender identity, rather than their natural gender.

Apparently there are other states who, like North Carolina, believe that is wrong.

They have the same basic conservative values we do and think the federal government has overreached its authority, bypassing the rights of states and local school boards to make their own decisions as to what is right for their students.

There is much at stake. The government has threatened to take away its funding if its rules are not met.

Let's hope that common sense prevails.

Published in Editorials on July 12, 2016 10:26 AM