07/14/15 — A real deal: There is reason so many are so worried about Iran

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A real deal: There is reason so many are so worried about Iran

Sometimes politicians are more focused on their legacy than they are on what is the best decision for the country.

Let's hope that is not what is happening with what is being billed as "an historic" deal with Iran.

Those who are against it say the measure will accomplish no peace or stability in the Middle East -- and that it is based on the hope that Iran will mellow once sanctions are lifted. They call that assumption naive.

They also say there are no real teeth to the measure -- and that its enforceability is in question. In other words, there is nothing to really stop Iran from developing a nuclear weapon.

Let's hope that is not true either.

The bottom line is that when someone -- or a country's leadership -- shows you who they are, you should believe them.

Iran has proven to be a rogue nation that is intent on making sure that its enemies -- some of whom are our closest allies -- do not survive. And its allegiance to other rogue interests and its involvement with those interests are also concerns.

Bottom line is there is an agreement. What we have to decide now is whether it really is in the best interest of the United States and its allies.

This one is no slam dunk.

Published in Editorials on July 14, 2015 10:57 AM