05/08/15 — Faith: Strong -- Community, church make tradition out of Day of Prayer

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Faith: Strong -- Community, church make tradition out of Day of Prayer

There are some people who give faith lip service.

They show up at events simply to be seen -- and speak of honoring their religion and their commitment to that faith when it is easy, when there is a crowd who wants to hear the words.

And then there are those who stand and fight -- in the face of assaults on the rights of worshippers to express their beliefs and when it is not in fashion.

Wayne County has plenty of the latter -- and that commitment was no more evident than on Thursday.

Every year for more than a decade, Faith Free Will Baptist Church has done more than simply talk about the need for a congregation and a community to honor both faith and prayer.

The church invites local dignitaries to join its members for a meal on the National Day of Prayer.

Much of the church is there to fellowship with the guests and to enjoy a delicious lunch prepared by the ladies of the church.

The purpose? It is, in part, to say thank you to those who serve. But there is another mission as well -- to join hands with the leaders of this community to show that faith is still an important part of this county's daily dealings.

What a novel idea -- reminding those who lead this community how important faith is to their constituents and remembering themselves just how important a place it holds in their own lives.

No preaching. No hard sell. No speeches. Simply a chance to pause to remember -- and to be grateful.

Now that is a mission.

The church was not the only place there was a celebration Thursday.

The community gathered last evening to mark the National Day of Prayer with a special event at the YMCA.

Residents of all ages celebrated their faith -- and got to know their neighbors.

Both these events are exactly why it is important for people of faith not only to gather, but to speak up.

There is much to learn from fellowship of all kinds, and much to share among the faithful.

Let's hope more than a few of our leaders remember that as they go about the business of deciding the future for this county, state and country.

And let's hope those who count faith as an important part of their lives make sure that their voices are heard, loud and strong.

Published in Editorials on May 8, 2015 11:33 AM