10/14/14 — Have your say: No better time than now to share your opinions

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Have your say: No better time than now to share your opinions

Too often people sit back and say nothing when there is an election in the offing.

Either they are too busy or they think that no one is interested in their opinions.

But this month, and really in all future elections, there really is a need for real people to stand up and say what they think and for whom they are voting and why. They just have to be given the opportunity to do so.

While the opinions of celebrities and others in the limelight are interesting, they are no more important than the thoughts of the average voter who has done his or her homework and researched the candidates for office.

So, if you have some thoughts, we want you to share them with us. You do not have to be Ernest Hemingway or some fancy writer to offer your opinion -- all you have to do is write what you think.

Republican or Democrat -- we don't care. Just send us a line and let us know who you think will best lead this community and nation.

Your opinion really does matter.

Published in Editorials on October 14, 2014 11:13 AM