09/29/14 — Whose bill? Unaccompanied minors bring with them hefty costs.

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Whose bill? Unaccompanied minors bring with them hefty costs.

It is not just about compassion.

Not these days.

As we hear more and more news about the impact the arrival of the unaccompanied minors and illegal immigrants is having on the U.S., we need to think long and hard about the next steps.

And, more importantly, who will pay for them.

It is a wonderful thought to welcome tens of millions of illegal immigrants into this country -- and there are few people who really want to send these children and adults back home.

But there is a reality, a bottom line if you will.

There are going to be costs involved with assimilating these people into our communities. And if the federal government is the one that created this mess, that's from where the money should come.

But don't hold your breath.

Washington has made a mess out of this issue -- and it looks like the consequences will be around for a while.

We just have to make sure it does not get any worse -- and to keep an eagle eye on our wallets.

Published in Editorials on September 29, 2014 10:43 AM