08/05/14 — Cautious: There is every indication that Ebola no concern here, but care is needed

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Cautious: There is every indication that Ebola no concern here, but care is needed

Health officials say that the potential danger of an American outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus is unlikely.

Precautions have been taken and the facility at which the U.S. missionaries are being treated is top-notch, they say.

And they are right. We are OK, for now.

But those who are advising caution and suggesting that great care is taken as we figure out how to make sure that the disease is not only kept out of the U.S., but also that it is contained and eradicated worldwide, are right, too.

There is no reason for panic, but making sure that there are rules for travel, tests for aid workers and that a vaccine/treatment is given top priority without the encumberment of red tape are paramount.

This virus has already claimed many victims and has the makings of a pandemic, if it is not treated with respect.

Asking that government and health officials make sure that appropriate precautions are taken is not any kind of insult to the Americans who are serving as missionaries or a call to leave anyone behind, it is the responsible reaction to a potential catastrophic health crisis.

And as we make plans to protect our citizenry, we should also be pushing for testing to move more quickly on the vaccine/treatment that could save thousands of lives in West Africa.

That is our duty, too.

Published in Editorials on August 5, 2014 11:02 AM