07/30/14 — Borderline: Show refugee children compassion -- but fix broken immigration policy

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Borderline: Show refugee children compassion -- but fix broken immigration policy

It is not easy for Americans to turn people away -- especially not children.

It is in our history -- and likely in our DNA.

Many of us come from immigrant stock and have heard stories of relatives who came here to pursue a better life, a new chance.

So there is a real divide in our hearts as we hear the continuing stories of the 90,000-plus children who have arrived from Central America.

We want to protect the sanctity of our borders and to make citizenship something that is earned. And most of us know that there is not an unending supply of money to provide services, shelter and food for these children.

But we remember our history, too. Our hearts ache for so many youngsters who have come so far in pursuit of what can only be termed as the promise of a better life.

So what do we do?

We do our best. We care for those who are here and make sure no more come wandering across the border in search of a secure future we cannot provide.

We devise a plan to get these children back to their parents safely, but do not allow them to wander freely around the country in the hopes that they will return for a court date.

We care for the helpless, the sick and the hungry, just as we always have and as we always will.

But there is something else we need, too.

We must look to our president to take a leadership position and to close the borders, not just because we do not have the resources to care for an unending stream of refugees, but because it is the right thing to do.

This lack of swift action and stern warning has made these populations vulnerable to all sorts of riffraff who will cheat them, lie to them and steal from them by promising them a better life just a couple borders away.

It is a dangerous road to travel and the potential for real tragedy and exploitation is great.

We need to create a real border -- and the means to control it. We need resources, a fence and a determination that while this country welcomes all who want to come, we have rules that must be followed to stay.

We need a guest worker program and a path to citizenship that involves a line, a penalty and expectations.

And we need this more than the Democratic Party needs fundraisers.

The time to act is now.

It can't wait.

Published in Editorials on July 30, 2014 11:14 AM