02/25/14 — A good start: Decision on middle schools promising development

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A good start: Decision on middle schools promising development

Forget the facts that were really behind the disagreement over the plans to build two new middle schools in Wayne County.

In case you missed it, it was who really had the right to tell whom how the schools would be built.

And forget that upgrading the infrastructure of the Wayne County School District has been a source of consternation for years.

The news that the two boards are moving forward is welcome and absolutely what should have happened.

And we are also glad to hear that the county commissioners do not want to run the schools and are going to focus on the issues they have within their own sphere of influence.

That is how it should be.

The school board in general, and the superintendent in specific, were very classy about how they handled the whole situation -- and should be commended for standing their ground, respectfully, while acknowledging that the commissioners had a duty to protect county taxpayers.

And the commissioners should also be commended for making the right decision and extending a hand of cooperation without turning this issue into a marathon five-day gab fest.

It looks like the students of Wayne County actually were top priority this week.

And that is a sign of good things to come.

Published in Editorials on February 25, 2014 12:15 PM