11/06/13 — To serve: Those who get the people's nod have heavy responsibility

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To serve: Those who get the people's nod have heavy responsibility

There are some new names in charge in a couple of Wayne County municipalities today -- and in the future there might even be more people who will decide to throw their hats into the political ring.

And a certain measure of thanks is owed not only to those who have chosen to take on the task of leading in their community, but to those who have served in the past.

It is not an easy job, especially if you do it right.

But along with that should also go the reminder that to earn the vote of the people -- and then to serve -- is a serious responsibility and one that should be taken lightly.

To do it right requires not only a certain amount of knowledge, but also a nice dose of humility -- allowing the officeholder to see once in a while that perhaps he or she might not know everything.

It requires listening, a lot, and knowing when it is time to alter a long-held view.

It requires a respect for the community, for its people and for the duties of the board on which the newly elected representative serves.

It is not about ego, power or political ambition. It is about serving.

And more people should think twice before taking on the task.

Published in Editorials on November 6, 2013 10:54 AM