10/03/13 — Perspective: Bus crash story a chance to pause amid news of budget battle

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Perspective: Bus crash story a chance to pause amid news of budget battle

You can't read the story about the people who lost their lives in Wednesday's horrible bus crash without thinking about what really matters in life.

Your heart hurts for the families who must now deal with the pain of their loss, and you pray that those who survived recover quickly.

And, of course, it makes you think of your own family -- and how lucky you are to have another day with each and every one of them.

But a story like this brings something else to mind -- and it is something we should remember as we follow the finger-pointing and blame game in Washington: perspective.

While the budget battle is important and there are issues to be decided and misdeeds to be fixed, its machinations pale in the face of such human tragedy.

And perhaps it might make those arguing in Washington pause, too.

America is a strong country with people who know the value of hard work and working together.

Perhaps some of those old-fashioned values -- and a little perspective -- are just what both sides need right now.

It certainly couldn't make things any worse.

Published in Editorials on October 3, 2013 11:09 AM