09/24/13 — Here we go ... More than a few weeks of battle coming in Washington

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Here we go ... More than a few weeks of battle coming in Washington

It is understandable that most Americans are tired of listening to the consternation and arguing coming out of Washington these days.

After all, it seems like all we do is endure the finger-pointing and partisan ramblings while nothing ever really gets done.

And it might seem like we are headed for another one of those battles as both parties jockey for position on budgeting and the upcoming implementation of the Affordable Care Act or Obamacare.

But this might be a time when there is reason to talk -- and for all of us to grit our teeth and to listen.

There is a truth about governments in general and Washington in specific. Once something is passed -- and is implemented -- it is very hard to make the changes to it that will make it efficient and workable.

That means if you increase a debt ceiling, there is not likely to be a corresponding discussion a few months later about how it is time to decrease that same debt ceiling.

In fact, what will happen is that increased debt ceiling becomes the new norm and you are back in the same situation again a few months later.

If you want to stop building debt, you have to say so, right then.

So while it is not practical to not provide a way for the government to pay its bills now, it is understandable that some are starting to wonder when the debt ceiling increases are going to end.

The same is true for the impending Obamacare implementation.

Millions of Americans are nervous about it. Thousands of doctors are getting out while the getting is good. And, adding insult to injury, Congress has exempted itself from it and allowed a whole bunch of others to do so as well.

Those reasons alone suggest that perhaps the idea of not going full steam ahead on funding the new health care law might not be such a bad idea.

We all know what happens when the money is spent and the bureaucracy is formed -- we are stuck with the results for decades.

So there will be more arguing in the next couple of weeks -- and you will have to listen to soundbites from both sides.

This is a time it might be worth paying attention and then calling your congressman to let him or her know how you feel.

Leaving this one in the hands of the politicians in Washington alone might be a big mistake.

Published in Editorials on September 24, 2013 11:04 AM