11/19/12 — A new angel: Sybil Scott Seward made her mark with her faith, and spirit

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A new angel: Sybil Scott Seward made her mark with her faith, and spirit

She wasn't famous -- at least not in the traditional sense -- but if you ever made your way to Scott's Barbecue for lunch, she was a face you recognized immediately.

Perhaps it was her smile.

Perhaps it was her warm greeting.

Perhaps it was her spirit.

Sybil Scott Seward was one of those people who did not know a stranger -- and she made more than a few of them her friends.

But that's only one of the qualities that made her special.

She was, quite simply, an inspiration.

A cancer survivor of many years, Mrs. Seward was a key part of this past year's Relay for Life, joining her other cancer survivor teammates in raising money to battle the disease she fought so bravely.

Of course, she was there, smiling away and greeting everyone who walked by -- and more than a few people stopped by to see her.

Mrs. Seward was also a dedicated ambassador for her class at Dillard High School, proud of the years she spent there and the alumni who became her friends, and dedicated to supporting those who would graduate from its successor, Goldsboro High.

She was also a woman of faith, making sure she was present as a leader in her church.

She lived that faith every day.

We lost Mrs. Seward this past week -- and Scott's Barbecue, and the county, will not be the same without her.

She has left behind a mark of sunshine, kindness and compassion that will be her legacy and a reminder that there are, still, good people in the world who do more than talk about faith and helping others. They do it.

Our hearts go out to Mrs. Seward's family and the many friends she has left behind as they mourn her loss and celebrate her life.

She will be missed.

Published in Editorials on November 19, 2012 11:04 AM