04/18/12 — Just vote: You can't change your future if you just stay home

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Just vote: You can't change your future if you just stay home

It is a simple concept, really.

If you want to change the course of your community, state or nation, you have to do more than sit at home and complain about the current leadership.

You have to have your say.

And now, there is a chance to do just that only a few weeks away.

So, if you want to see the marriage amendment pass in North Carolina, get out and join the people who want to make it happen. If you feel exactly the opposite, cast your vote accordingly.

And if you are tired of what you are seeing in state or local governments, come out May 8 and check a box for change.

The primary vote might not have the panache it had a few weeks ago when there was a presidential primary to decide, but it is still an important step in letting the Democrats and Republicans know you are watching. So come cast your vote in the primary, even if it is just to send a message to the eventual nominees that you will be paying attention.

Voting is a right not afforded to citizens of every country around the world -- and it matters.

So while trekking to the polls May 8 might seem like a chore, it is really a chance to affect your future. Don't let it pass.

Published in Editorials on April 18, 2012 11:05 AM