July 2010 archives

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Economic worry: There are ways to address flailing economy ... but more taxes isn't it

It sure isn't easy to listen to the news these days. As if any of us needed to be reminded, government officials announced today that the alleged economic "recovery" might very well be fizzling. And some experts are wondering...

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

A real hero: Can't eat chicken? Then stop by and donate to help officer.

There is nothing easy about having leukemia -- especially at age 25.But what is even harder is to not only keep your own spirits up, but to encourage everyone around you to do the same.And that is why so many...

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Here's your chance: Really, tell us what you think about President Barack Obama

The best part of being an American is that no one can silence you when you have something to say. And we are asking you to do just that -- before the hoopla begins and the next round of...

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Open matters: No, Mr. Chairman, the last thing this county needs is closed meetings

After his whispered protest of the state Open Meetings Law this past week, Wayne County Commission Chairman Jack Best suggested the way to make sure he would not have to conduct business like discussing the choice of a new...

Friday, July 23, 2010

Above the law? Chairman, committee's actions were shameful and disrespectful

It doesn't matter if county Commission Chairman Jack Best thinks a meeting to discuss the replacement of a member of the Wayne County Board of Education should be conducted behind closed doors. And it matters even less that no...

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Best for board: Candidates should all keep in mind that the children are top priority

You can look at their qualifications all you want -- and you can even evaluate their leadership styles and compare their business acumen vs. their experience working with groups of people. But in the end, what will matter most...

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

'Not my problem': Those who keep silent when crime happens are part of the problem

It is not easy to drum up the courage to speak out when you witness a criminal act -- whether it be something as simple as shoplifting or something as horrible as a drug deal or murder. In fact,...

Monday, July 19, 2010

A public official: An appointment to an elected position should not be made in private

Perhaps the intent was well-meaning -- an attempt to discuss the merits, and demerits, if you will, in private of the men and women who have offered their services as a replacement for recently resigned District 2 Wayne County...

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Less vs. more: Selecting a candidate reflects how much government you want in your life

There has been lots of talk lately about November. The general consensus is that there will be a change -- a bunch of new faces directing the future of this country. But few people talk about whom voters will...

Friday, July 16, 2010

Recess maneuver: White House fills key health policy job without having to talk about rationing

It is not all that surprising really. When presidents get tired of waiting for Congress to act on an appointment, sometimes they take matters into their own hands and just go ahead and make the hire without any input....

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Think future: What attracts people to Wayne County -- and makes them want to stay?

This economy is not exactly conducive to making big plans for the future -- not as a family, as a community or as a country.But now, while we are looking a little harder at budgets and what it costs to...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Voter intimidation: Attorney general does a disservice to Dr. King's vision

One would have hoped that the days when a group or an individual could make an approaching voter feel uncomfortable about entering a polling place were over. After all, part of the reason laws exist today against this sort...

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Wrong answer: On immigration, suing Arizona isn't what most Americans had in mind

To understand the incredible stupidity of challenging the Arizona law designed to stem the tide of illegal immigration, you only have to really understand two concepts: 1. If you are in this country legally and your paperwork is in order...

Monday, July 12, 2010

Givers and takers: Donors aren't enthused about paying for others' bad behavior

Americans are a generous lot. Offer them the chance to help someone else and they are more than ready to take out their checkbooks. But they were more likely to do so in the olden days, when money was...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Good rec project: City ought to take groups up on offers to coordinate soccer complex

The Neuse River Youth Soccer Association's proposal to create soccer fields and the associated structures in Goldsboro as part of a soccer complex is one the Goldsboro City Council should not hesitate to support. The group, which has also...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Library progress: Mount Olive effort is nothing short of wonderful example of determination

Who would have thought that Mount Olive would even be close to its $350,000 goal of seed money for the construction of the new Steele Memorial Library? After all, the economy is bad -- and businesses and individuals are...

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Efficiency first: Another example of why government enterprises do not work

Let's face it, we knew it was coming.Tuesday afternoon, the Postal Service announced that the price of stamps would be going up two cents.The reality is, two cents is not going to break the average postal customer. But where it...

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Jail ... bad: Maybe if we make it really unappealing people will stay out.

It is probably not really that surprising that jails are so full these days. Not that many people seem to be all that scared of ending up there. Chalk it up to television or just plain ignorance, the reality...

Friday, July 2, 2010

Maybe it is simple: Bottom line -- if you aren't worried about your job, you spend more money

Perhaps this economic problem is a lot simpler than we thought.Maybe it is not about stimulus and bell curves.Maybe it is not about politician-speak and having too many problems to solve and too little time.Maybe it is simply this --...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Safety first: Fireworks are fun, but they also can be sad end to a holiday celebration

Let's face it, the last thing people think about on the Fourth of July weekend is that they are going to end up in the hospital -- or worse.The weekend is for family gatherings, picnics, vacations and fireworks.And that is...