02/24/10 — Spending alert: How your county spends money really does matter

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Spending alert: How your county spends money really does matter

It is not all that hard to understand why most people do not really like to read, think or talk about their county government's budget process.

After all, it is not the most scintillating of topics -- and there is so much more interesting stuff to focus on.

But as the Wayne County commissioners prepare to talk about yet another budget, and another set of goals for the new fiscal year, this is the time when residents from all walks of life should be paying close attention.

And here's why: The money they are going to be talking about is yours.

Far from the same old stuff, this year's discussions will include priorities for spending as well as some concerns about money the state is now requiring counties to pay.

And just so you know, when the state requires money that is not budgeted, it has to come from somewhere -- and like it or not, county taxpayers are the county's primary revenue source.

It is tempting to simply not pay attention to county government. After all, didn't we hire them to take care of this stuff?

But in this day and age when budgets seem to be moving targets and taxpayers are getting surprises they did not count on, this is a critical piece of information for anyone who owns property or buys anything in this county.

Not paying attention can cost you money.

And there is not one of us who wants that to happen.

Published in Editorials on February 24, 2010 10:34 AM