
Maryanne Brantley Garris of Goldsboro and Jonathan Mark Stabler of Three Rivers, Mich., exchanged vows in a double-ring ceremony Nov. 22, 2014, at Garris Chapel United Methodist Church in LaGrange, with David Hollowell officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Don and Karen Garris of LaGrange and the granddaughter of the late Donell Garris Sr. of Goldsboro, Mary Garris of LaGrange, Kathleen Allen of Aurora and the late David Allen Sr. of Aurora.
The bride graduated from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington 2010 with a bachelor’s degree in education. She is employed as an English teacher for Wayne County Public Schools.
The groom is the son of Gary and Mary Stabler of Three Rivers, Mich., and the grandson of Catherine Sherman of Fort Wayne, Ind., and the late Bessie and Harold Stabler.
The groom graduated from Howardsville Christian School. He is employed as a staff sergeant in the United States Air Force.
The bride was escorted by her father and given in marriage by her parents.
Bethany Vargas served as matron of honor, with honorary bridesmaids, Veronica Garris, Bre Van Velzen and Kylie Midyette.
Kenneth Stabler served as best man.Ushers were Donell Garris III and Michael Stabler.
Cathie Hooks directed the wedding.
A program of wedding music was provided by Weil Sawyer, pianist, and Jason and Jaime Cox, vocalists.
A reception dinner was held at Lane Tree Golf Club hosted by Don and Karen Garris.
A pig picking rehearsal was hosted by Gary and Mary Stabler.
By News-Argus Staff
Published in Weddings on June 14, 2015 1:52 AM