
Amy Michele Thompson and Joshua Jeffrey Crawford exchanged vows in a double-ring ceremony June 26 at 4 p.m. at Adamsville Baptist Church, with the Rev. Ray Smeltzer officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Ronnie Thompson and the late Deborah Thompson of Goldsboro and the granddaughter of Walter Thompson, the late Sue Thompson, Barbara Coats and the late James Coats of Goldsboro.
She graduated in 2007 from East Carolina University with a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. She is employed as a first-grade teacher with Wayne County Public Schools.
The groom is the son of Jeffrey and Caryl Crawford of LaGrange and the grandson of the late Sidney and Rachel Crawford and Cecil Sutton of Goldsboro and the late Don and Patricia Halter of San Jose, Calif.
He graduated from Eastern Wayne High School in 2003 and attended East Carolina University. He attends Wayne Community College for an electrician’s license. He is employed as an electrician’s apprentice at Allco Electric Inc.
The bride was escorted and given in marriage by her father.
She wore a white satin empire waistline dress with straps that crossed and draped in the back. The bride also wore a white satin flower pin borrowed from the matron of honor.
Her headpiece was a short two-tier veil trimmed with pearls and
The bride carried a hand-tied bouquet of yellow and white roses. The stems were tied with white sheer ribbon.
Jennifer Fink and Allison Kniedler were their friend’s matrons of honor.
Bridesmaids were Stephanie Metcalf and Tracy Thomas, friends of the bride.
Jeffrey Crawford was his son’s best man.
Groomsmen were Jason Sellers and Justin Sellers, brothers of the groom, and Dustin Fink, friend of the groom.
Jessica Albright was flower girl.
Mary Dixon and Barbara Dobbins directed the wedding. Presiding at the register was Stephanie Davidson. Danielle Brock distributed programs.
Jack New, Stephanie Lineberry, and Chase and Emily Hopkins greeted guests.
A program of wedding music was provided by Nathan Lean and Anoinette Parks, pianists; Jodi Albright, vocalist; Jean Kirk, organist; and a previously recorded song by bride’s mother.
Following the ceremony, a reception was held. Servers and helpers were Barbara Coats, Cathy and Jeff Marlow, Ruth Kuhnau, Betty Jo Metcalf, Wanda Wilson, Nancy Henderson, Lynn Aldrich, Mike and Alice Coats, Caroline Coats, Emily Coats, Cheryl Coats and Brian Aldrich.
After their wedding trip to Calabash and Hilton Head Island, S.C., the couple will reside in Goldsboro.
Events held before the wedding included a bridal shower hosted by Barbara Coats’ Sunday school class at Adamsville Baptist Church; a bridal shower hosted by Allison Kniedler and Ruth Kuhnau; a bridal shower hosted by first-grade and kindergarten teams at Meadow Lane Elementary; a lingerie shower hosted by Jennifer Fink; a bridal shower at Adamsville Baptist Church hosted by Barbara Coats and Lynn Aldrich; a bachelorette weekend hosted by friends of the couple; a a bachelor weekend hosted by friends of the couple; and a bridesmaids’ dinner hosted by Barbara Coats, grandmother of the bride.
The groom’s parents hosted a rehearsal dinner at Adamsville Baptist Church. Helpers were Jason and Michelle Sellers, Justin Sellers, Mary Beth Cheverisa, Laura Halter, Cory Halter-Gardner, Ashley Mazur and Jacque McCumber.
By News-Argus Staff
Published in Weddings on July 25, 2010 1:51 AM