Sauls - Bradner

HIGH POINT — Katherine Leigh Bradner of Mount Pleasant, S.C., and John Joseph Sauls of Mount Pleasant exchanged vows Aug. 11 at 5 p.m. at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church, with the Rev. Barry Phillp Osborne officiating.
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Howard Bradner Jr. and the granddaughter of Mrs. William Howard Bradner Sr., the late Mr. Bradner and the late Mr. and Mrs. James Haymore Loggins.
She is a graduate of High Point Central High School and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a Bachelor of Arts degree in psychology. She is employed with Bank of America Mortgage of Charleston, S.C.
The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Kaylor Sauls of Goldsboro and the grandson of John Woods Stackhouse, the late Mrs. Stackhouse and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Benjamin Sauls.
He graduated from Wayne Country Day School and East Carolina University with a Bachelor of Arts degree in history and a minor in political science. He is employed by the South Carolina State Ports Authority.
The bride was escorted by her father.
Jessica Clay Sayers of Arlington, Va., was maid of honor.
Bridesmaids were Ashley Cowart Carson and Amanda Harper Patterson of Greensboro, Emily Holmes David of Chapel Hill, Catherine Wilkins Gregory of Wilmington, Del., Heather Sauls Honeycutt of Dunn, sister of the groom, Elizabeth Bizzell Saylors of Goldsboro and Laura Whaley Wellington of Wilmington.
Benjamin Sauls was his son’s best man.
Groomsmen were Matthew Howard Bradner of Wilmington, brother of the bride; Jeffrey Hamilton Cooke, John Dortch Lewis and Justin Michael Lewis of Raleigh; Eric Lee Hartman of Atlanta, Ga.; Johnny Mack Honeycutt of Dunn, brother-in-law of the groom; and Benjamin Kyle Saylors of Goldsboro.
Douglas James Bradner and Gregory Cook Bradner of Orinda, Calif., cousins of the bride, were acolytes.
Roy John Parkeer IV was the crucifer.
James Tyler Beach of Chapel Hill and Harry Royer Culp Jr. of New York, N.Y., were readers.
Margaret Lindsay Shealy of Charleston, Mary Stokes Iauco of Washington D.C., Susan Derby Stackhouse of Raleigh and Julian Bernard White III of Charlotte were greeters.
A program of wedding music was provided by Linda McDonald Brown and Caroline Brown Kolbert, flutists; Selina David Carter, cellist; Michael Patrick Dougherty, organist; Jerry Timothy Hudson, trumpeter; and Helen Dina Rifas, harpist.
Following the ceremony, the bride’s parents held a reception at the String and Splinter Club of High Point.
After a wedding trip to Antigua, the couple reside in Mount Pleasant.
Events held before the wedding included a reception party Aug. 11 at J. Basul Noble’s Restaurant hosted by friends and a luncheon Aug. 10 at Pomodoro Restaurant of High Point hosted by aunts of the bride.
The groom’s parents held a rehearsal dinner Aug. 11 at J. Basul Noble’s Restaurant.
By News-Argus Staff
Published in Weddings on August 12, 2007 3:30 AM