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Do you think Washington should bail out the American automakers?

Started on 11/18/2008

- 19%
(168 votes)
- 81%
(696 votes)

Total Votes: 864

What types of programs would you be willing to pay more taxes to support?

Started on 11/12/2008

Education - more money for programs and schools.
- 4%
(18 votes)
Universal health care for everyone.
- 10%
(40 votes)
Military - More support for the troops and to continue the war effort.
- 7%
(27 votes)
Social programs that would fund organizations that assist individuals not with handouts, but with education, jobs, daycare.
- 3%
(13 votes)
Two or more of the above, this country needs a change and it is going to cost money.
- 16%
(67 votes)
I would not be willing to pay more taxes at all ... the government has enough of my money. It needs to redistribute funds.
- 59%
(242 votes)

Total Votes: 407

Which statement best describes your feelings about the 2008 presidential election:

This election was about...

Started on 10/30/2008

History - the first African American to run for president.
- 11%
(120 votes)
Money - the one with the most money commanded the election.
- 7%
(78 votes)
No one true leader - neither candidate inspired me, I picked the lesser of two evils.
- 26%
(299 votes)
Standing firm - the future of this nation requires a leader who knows what's at stake overseas (a strong military presence)
- 12%
(139 votes)
Changing our world view - the future of this nation requires a leader who knows how to fix America's reputation around the world
- 9%
(100 votes)
The economy - I chose the man I thought would get us out of this mess - Obama
- 20%
(226 votes)
The economy - I chose the man I thought would get us out of this mess - McCain
- 15%
(175 votes)

Total Votes: 1137

How do you feel about the economy?

Started on 10/16/2008

I think this is a temporary downturn and I am holding steady.
- 67%
(389 votes)
I bailed out the stock market and am keeping my money in cash
- 14%
(80 votes)
I am planning to sell out, but I am waiting for the market to go back up
- 3%
(20 votes)
I am taking advantage of the low stock prices and buying up - I'm bullish.
- 16%
(94 votes)

Total Votes: 583

What do you want to hear the candidates talk about in the next four weeks before the election?

Started on 10/06/2008

How they are going to deal with the economy.
- 47%
(247 votes)
Their qualifications to be president.
- 13%
(67 votes)
Their stand on the war on terror.
- 4%
(22 votes)
Their definition of change and plans for implementing it.
- 34%
(176 votes)
Their foreign policy experience and proposed policies.
- 2%
(11 votes)

Total Votes: 523

Do you support the $700 billion bailout package?

Started on 09/29/2008

- 24%
(149 votes)
- 76%
(460 votes)

Total Votes: 609

What is your definition of a vicious dog?

Started on 09/23/2008

One that growls at anyone who tries to touch it.
- 5%
(33 votes)
One that raises its hackles and bares its teeth in a snarl
- 16%
(103 votes)
A dog that barks and jumps
- 1%
(5 votes)
A dog that tries to bite anyone who comes in its yard
- 6%
(36 votes)
A dog that tries to bite anyone, anywhere
- 73%
(473 votes)

Total Votes: 650

What do you think about the quality of the Wayne County Schools?

Started on 09/16/2008

I love my child's school, but there are serious problems elsewhere.
- 7%
(30 votes)
The schools are not doing a good enough job of educating our children.
- 39%
(161 votes)
It's the parents. Until they are interested, nothing is going to get better.
- 41%
(168 votes)
The school district is doing a good job.
- 4%
(16 votes)
The school district is doing the best job it can.
- 9%
(37 votes)

Total Votes: 412

Do you think the Wayne County School District should redraw district lines to make the schools more racially balanced?

Started on 09/08/2008

- 34%
(261 votes)
- 66%
(516 votes)

Total Votes: 777

How close a race do you think this fall's presidential election will be?

Started on 09/02/2008

Not close. Obama will win.
- 18%
(140 votes)
Not close. McCain will win.
- 23%
(178 votes)
Less than 5 points difference, Obama will win.
- 13%
(98 votes)
Less than 5 points difference, McCain will win.
- 29%
(221 votes)
Too close to call one way or the other.
- 17%
(134 votes)

Total Votes: 771

What do you think of Barack Obama's choice for vice president?

Started on 08/25/2008

Joe Biden is a good choice.
- 31%
(158 votes)
Joe Biden is a Washington insider and will not help Obama's campaign.
- 24%
(126 votes)
It should have been Hillary Clinton.
- 33%
(172 votes)
Someone younger would have been better.
- 2%
(12 votes)
An older person was a good choice, but not Biden.
- 9%
(47 votes)

Total Votes: 515

Should North Carolina's community colleges admit illegal immigrants?

Started on 08/18/2008

Yes, education should be available to all
- 6%
(48 votes)
No, not under any circumstance
- 78%
(576 votes)
Yes, but only if they pay a special tuition rate
- 7%
(51 votes)
Yes, but with no guarantee of immunity to deportation
- 9%
(64 votes)

Total Votes: 739

What shocks you most about John Edwards affair admission?

Started on 08/11/2008

The fact that he denied it for months.
- 17%
(73 votes)
Infidelity in general.
- 21%
(93 votes)
That he could have been the Democratic presidential nominee.
- 21%
(89 votes)
Somebody in his campaign paid his mistress not to speak.
- 13%
(57 votes)
That the National Enquirer was right.
- 28%
(122 votes)

Total Votes: 434

What Olympics events do you plan on tuning in to watch?

Started on 08/05/2008

- 32%
(129 votes)
- 17%
(68 votes)
- 8%
(31 votes)
- 3%
(11 votes)
Track & Field
- 5%
(18 votes)
- 9%
(36 votes)
- 2%
(9 votes)
- 2%
(6 votes)
Whatever is on
- 22%
(89 votes)

Total Votes: 397

If the presidential election were held today, on which issue would you base your vote?

Started on 07/28/2008

The economy at home
- 35%
(237 votes)
Ending the war in Iraq
- 7%
(49 votes)
Staying the course in Iraq
- 10%
(67 votes)
Economy and the war equally
- 48%
(327 votes)

Total Votes: 680

Do you use the city parks?

Started on 07/21/2008

- 10%
(59 votes)
Once in a while
- 29%
(161 votes)
Almost never
- 23%
(132 votes)
- 38%
(212 votes)

Total Votes: 564

Does Goldsboro need a downtown recreation center?

Started on 07/14/2008

- 29%
(283 votes)
Yes, but not at $12.3 million
- 37%
(359 votes)
- 35%
(340 votes)

Total Votes: 982

Who do you think will win the 2009 Eastern Carolina 3-A Conference football title?

Started on 08/11/2009

North Lenoir
- 7%
(44 votes)
South Johnston
- 5%
(31 votes)
C.B. Aycock
- 32%
(207 votes)
Eastern Wayne
- 24%
(156 votes)
Southern Wayne
- 18%
(116 votes)
- 15%
(95 votes)

Total Votes: 649

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