Jobs program to start process for 2018
By Rochelle Moore
Published in News on November 17, 2017 5:50 AM

The city of Goldsboro's summer youth employment program will start accepting applications in December for the estimated 60 jobs that will be available in 2018.
The program, which drew nearly 200 qualified teen applicants in its first year, will be developed during an earlier time frame that allows for additional planning and preparation. The program is not recommended to increase beyond the 60 jobs, even though there has been some discussion about the possibility of expanding the program.
"It's still a fairly new program," said Shycole Simpson-Carter, Goldsboro community relations director. "The city and most of the sponsoring partners are still fairly new to assessing, planning, implementing a summer youth employment and training program.
"Therefore, providing slots for no more than 60 youth participants for summer 2018 will allow us to continue to develop and strengthen skills, instincts, abilities, processes and resources for a sustainable program."
The Summer Youth Employment Initiative is a collaborative effort of the city of Goldsboro, the Housing Authority of the City of Goldsboro, Wayne Community College and N.C. Works Career Center.
The program not only offers job opportunities for youth but also provides an educational component for work-related skills and ethics needed for success in the workplace.
The majority of the jobs -- 47 -- will be paid for and provided by the city of Goldsboro, with most being paid for through $31,320 in general funds and $9,750 through the Community Development Block Grant program, Simpson-Carter said. The program is recommended to have a part-time adviser, which would cost another $4,400. The other 13 jobs may be funded by another sponsoring agency.
The city will seek other outside grant funding to help pay for the program. Simpson-Carter plans to apply for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Youth Services Program grant funding in January.
"My intent is to ask for funding for the program for the entire summer," Simpson-Carter said. "I'm going after it for 60 kids."
Teens interested in working in the summer job program can start applying on Dec. 18. Area businesses, nonprofits and agencies interested in being a work site can also start applying on Dec. 18. Applications for the jobs and work sites will be accepted through Jan. 19.
Job applicants must be age 14 to 18, live within the city and attend a mandatory orientation session. Preference has been given to youth from low-income households. The city jobs pay $7.25 per hour, Simpson-Carter said.
Due to some conflicts with area school calendar schedules, the program is recommended to take place during one, six-week time period, as opposed to the two sessions that were available this year.
The six-week period is recommended for June 18 through July 27, with Wednesdays dedicated to soft skill training and education and one out-of-town excursion to Beaufort, including a visit to the N.C. Aquarium.
Job applications and interviews will be coordinated by a selection committee, composed of employees from the city, GHA, WCC and N.C. Works. Interviews are planned to start in March and hiring decisions will be made in May. Work site approvals will also take place in March.
"I am looking forward to working with the sponsoring partners to tailor a program that will develop and cultivate the skill sets and professional awareness the youth participants will need for 21st century jobs," Simpson-Carter said.
"You're not just employing youth. You're trying to develop a workforce and an on-the-job training program. So, it's comprehensive.
"You're not just placing youth in a job. We are providing them with soft skills as well as on-the-job training."