Local student headed to HBCU conference
By From staff reports
Published in News on October 1, 2017 1:45 AM

Aaliyah Tate
Aaliyah Tate has been selected to attend The Opening Act HBCU Conference in New York City.
According to a press release, Tate was selected in September "out of thousands of applicants across the nation."
A native of Goldsboro, she is a senior at Fayetteville State University, she is majoring in Spanish and mass communication.
Tate has been a member of the Hispanic Club, Black Millennium Modeling Club and Student Government Association. She has also served as Miss Black and Gold 2015-2016 for the Epsilon Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., and Miss Fayetteville State University 2017.
The Opening Act HBCU Conference will be Nov. 2 to 5, welcoming eager and talented undergraduate talent attending historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs), with an interest in the music-tech and media industries.
Throughout the conference, students will hear from executives and leaders within the music, tech and media industries. They will see first-hand what a career path in these fields looks like and gain valuable insight into how to achieve career goals.
FSU is a constituent institution of The University of North Carolina and the second-oldest public institution of higher education in the state. FSU offers nearly 60 degrees at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels. With more than 6,300 students, Fayetteville State University is among the most diverse institutions in the nation.
For more information, call 910-672-1474.