Calling 'fowl' and enjoying the game
By Joey Pitchford
Published in News on September 8, 2017 5:50 AM

Coaches from both the lawyers' and doctors' team meet with umpires about a bunt during the annual Beak Week Fowl Play softball game at the Boys and Girls Club of Wayne County Thursday night. Bunts are not allowed in slow pitch softball.
The Beak Week "Fowl Play!" doctors vs. attorneys softball game at the Goldsboro Boys and Girls Club is, by all accounts, a friendly competition.
That may well be the case, but it didn't make winning any less important for either team.
In a hotly contested matchup, the "Sharks" narrowly edged a competitive "Quacks" team Thursday night, with the lawyers pulling ahead in the final inning to close out a nail-biting 12-11 game.
They had to earn it. The game was even at 6-6 as early as the second inning, and the teams -- neither of which spent a single day practicing prior to the game -- traded the lead back and forth multiple times.
Controversy unfolded late in the game, as Sharks member Emily Morrison attempted to bunt the ball. Unbeknownst to just about everyone there, slow-pitch softball rules forbid bunting, and Morrison was called out.
Several members of the lawyers team immediately asked to see the rules.
In the end, the ruling stood, leaving Morrison in the dugout. The Quacks took the lead back going in to the sixth and final inning, leading 11-10.
Up against the wall, the Sharks fought back, nailing two quick runs to take the game.
Dustin Pittman, Strickland, Agner and Associates defense attorney and "self-appointed czar of the softball team," said his team was confident coming off wins in the last two annual games.
"No we didn't practice at all before this, because we just keep winning anyway," he said. "We got pretty competitive. It felt pretty good."
Jeff Kovatch, with Riccobene Associates Family Dentistry, felt the same.
"I thought it was an excellent game, lots of great sportsmanship," he said. "Though I think we almost got sued on that bunting call."
Boys and Girls Club Executive Director Mary Anne Dudley said the event is a great way to bring people together for the benefit of the club.
"We do seek sponsorships for the Boys and Girls Club, which helps us," she said. "It's also just a way to bring people to the club."
The game was also part of Beak Week, which continues through Saturday with several events along Center Street.