Goldsboro Police Department promotes four to sergeant
By Ethan Smith
Published in News on March 14, 2017 8:50 AM

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Newly-promoted sergeants with the Goldsboro Police Department, from left, Bryant Canady, Chris Melvin, Jason Adams and Nelson Viera.
A handful of corporals and investigators with the Goldsboro Police Department were promoted this week to the rank of sergeant.
Cpl. Jason Adams, Inv. Bryant Canady, Inv. Chris Melvin and Cpl. Nelson Viera were each promoted to sergeant, according to a press release.
Adams was hired in 2009 and has since served as an investigator, juvenile investigator and the G.R.E.A.T. Instructor in the department's Crime Prevention Unit. Adams will be assuming duty as the Crime Prevention sergeant.
Goldsboro Police Chief Mike West said the Crime Prevention sergeant will supervise the unit and act as the liaison for the department and Crime Stoppers.
Canady was hired in 2003 and has served as a shift corporal, investigator and juvenile investigator. He will be assuming duty as the sergeant of investigations.
This duty, West said, puts him one step below Maj. Anthony Carmon, the head of the department's Investigative Services Bureau. Canady will handle personnel matters and case loads, West said.
Melvin was hired in 2002 and has served as an investigator and financial crimes investigator. He will be assuming the duty of housing sergeant in the Support Services Division.
This position will see Melvin working with the Goldsboro Housing Authority to supervise Section 8 housing and operating side by side with the Selective Enforcement Unit, West said.
Viera was hired in 2000 and has served in the department's Selective Enforcement Unit, served as an investigator, served in the Vice Unit and also as a shift Corporal. He will be assuming the duty of shift sergeant for D-Shift, supervising 15 officers on that shift, West said.
Each man was chosen due to meeting the requirements and having a storied history with the department, West said.
"They were well qualified and suited for promotion," West said.
The promotions take effect Wednesday.