Sheriff's Office investigates rash of vehicle break-ins in Pikeville
By News-Argus Staff
Published in News on March 7, 2017 12:26 PM

PIKEVILLE -- The Wayne County Sheriff's Office is investigating a slew of car break-ins reported to authorities Monday, in which 18 cars were broken into within roughly a half-mile of each other.
According to sheriff's office reports, the break-ins happened on Shilou Drive, Purple Iris Drive, Vail Road, Hawkins Drive and Wanda Drive.
Cash, firearms, ammunition, clothes, a blue tooth headset, a knife and other items were all reported stolen from the vehicles.
"We feel like most of them are probably related," Maj. Tom Effler said.
In nearly all of the incidents reported Monday, the car doors were left unlocked, and were not forcibly entered.
In some of the cases, cars were entered and rummaged through, but nothing was taken.
"It's a rarity they break out windows," Effler said. "They don't want to make any more noise than they have to."
Anyone with information about this or any other crime in Wayne County is asked to call or text Crime Stoppers at 919-735-2255, or submit information at
Callers can remain anonymous and information leading to a felony arrest will be eligible for a cash reward.