Baking for those behind the badge
By News-Argus Staff
Published in News on December 24, 2016 9:04 AM

Chief Tommy Brown of the Mount Olive Police Department reaches for the last Christmas cookie. The community has donated cookies to the department for its hard work, but Brown said officers eat the treats quickly.
MOUNT OLIVE -- Mount Olive Police Chief Tommy Brown popped the lid off of a red and green cookie can.
One European chocolate cookie remained.
It's good to be the chief.
Brown did not mind that his officers had already eaten the rest; the community continues to donate more cookies and fruit baskets for the department's hard work.
"Typically, when Christmas gets closer more people bring stuff," Brown said. "But like I said, when shifts rotate out, they don't last long."
Brown said various churches, businesses and individuals have taken homemade cookies, colorful fruit baskets and Brown's favorite -- chew bread -- to the department.
Tennie Hall, local homemaker, sent the police department baskets of chew bread, but Brown said he got the last piece as well.
First Pentecostal Holiness Church, Unity Baptist Church and First Baptist Church of Goldsboro delivered goodie bags, while a group from University of Mount Olive took snacks, Brown said.
He said First United Methodist Church and First Baptist Church of Mount Olive provided the department dinners. The last European cookie Brown was able to get his hands on came from Shumate-Faulk Funeral Home and Parkside Florist.
"It's good to know the community wants to make sure that we are taken care of during the holidays," Brown said. "Even though it's Christmas time, we still have folks out there working.
"And I think it's awesome that the public says, 'Hey, let me take time out of my day to take care of these officers at the Mount Olive Police Department.'"