Tuscarora Council honors Jackson
By Phyllis Moore
Published in News on November 18, 2016 10:02 AM

Daniel Jackson, fourth from left, stands with his wife and daughters as he is being recognized as the 2016 Tuscarora Council Boys Scouts of America Distinguished Citizen Thursday night.
A "man of many hats" -- husband, father, businessman, Christian, Boy Scout and mayor of Walnut Creek, to name a few -- received the Boy Scout Tuscarora Council Distinguished Citizen Award on Thursday night at the Walnut Creek Country Club.
Danny Jackson, president of his family's business, Jackson and Sons Heating and Air Inc., was celebrated for his lifelong contributions to his community and state.
Nearly 300 were in the audience during the ceremony.
Three "hand-picked" associates spoke about his influence over the years.
"You cannot be in the same room with him without learning something," said his daughter, Jordan Jackson, who served as mistress of ceremonies.
Jim Daniels, president of Daniels and Daniels Construction Inc. and past president of Tuscarora Council, recalled him as meticulous and competitive, with a desire to be No. 1.
In addition to being a successful businessman, Jackson also had a lengthy affiliation with the Boy Scouts, Daniels said -- earning the rank of Eagle Scout at age 14 and being a scoutmaster for years, spending the last decade serving on the executive board, serving a two-year term as Council president and receiving the Silver Beaver award.
"He's always given freely to support this great council and realizes the importance of the scouting program and how it teaches our young men leadership skills and developing character," Daniels said.
Jackson's "life of service" has included being a volunteer fireman for 20 years, three of those as chief for Indian Springs Volunteer Fire Department, serving on the Village of Walnut Creek Council for 15 years, the past two as mayor, and finance chair at his church, Garris Chapel United Methodist.
"Danny, you have always answered the call to help individuals, and of course, you have always done it, not for gain or for recognition but out of compassion for others and your desire to help others do the best they can," Daniels said. "You are truly a distinguished citizen, and I'm honored to be your friend."
Doug Wilson, vice president of sales for American Standard Heating and Air Conditioning in South Carolina, met Jackson in his mid-20s.
"I watched him evolve over the years from an aggressive manager to a leader and a molder of people," Wilson said. "There comes a point when you take the spotlight off yourself."
Jackson became like a big brother to him, Wilson said, and a voice of reason.
The final speaker was Jim Steele, area chair for C12 East Carolina, a network for Christian CEOs, business owners and executives.
He boiled down Jackson's priorities to four things -- family, friends, faith and fun.
Jackson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Woodard Jackson of Dudley, he has two brothers, David and Craig. He and wife, Stephanie, have two daughters, Jennifer and Jordan.
If family is a first priority, Steele said, faith is a close second.
"It was important when I met him and now daily Bible reading is part of his life," he said. "Sharing his faith is comfortable for him."
Jordan said she witnessed the transformation as well.
"I watched my dad change in a special way, into an amazing godly man," she said. "Over the past couple of years, it's been his drive and his want to get closer to God.
"It was amazing to watch. And I think that has a lot to do with Mr. Jerry Mitchell (former pastor, who died of cancer) but also Mr. Jim Steele."
David Perry, 2015 recipient of the award, and Steve Moore, president of the Tuscarora Council, unveiled a portrait of Jackson, before introducing him.
"You guys have been more than kind," Jackson said. "It's a lot about me but it's about all of you guys. You guys are here tonight to support Boy Scouts. I tell you, this country needs more Boy Scouts. Thank you, Mom, Dad, David and Craig, Stephanie, Jennifer and Jordan, for making me who I am today."