November 3, 2016 archives

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Thursday, November 3, 2016

50 Shades of Pink: Hospital event puts focus on breast cancer awareness

Bonnie Gray -- a wife, mother, grandmother and nurse -- had a very demanding life in 2006. "I thought I couldn't put one more thing on my plate," she said. "Then along came breast cancer." She shared her journey...

Board talks school projects

Security and the timeline for other schools projects were on the minds of some Wayne County commissioners Tuesday morning following a presentation on the planned new Meadow Lane Elementary School. Randy Baker and Dr. Jim Watson with Pinnacle Architecture...

Dale Folwell discusses bid for state treasurer's seat

Dale Folwell lugs around a bowling pin to illustrate his approach to problem solving. Bowlers have two chances to knock down the 10 bowling pins, so the goal is to take down as many pins as possible with each...

Newborn unharmed in morning roll over

Police are investigating a hit and run that happened this morning at N.C. 55 West and Old Smith Chapel Road involving a car with a newborn child and three adults inside. A Pontiac Grand Am was heading east on N.C....