Local students go to All State Chorus
By Phyllis Moore
Published in News on June 16, 2016 1:46 PM

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Front row, from left:Jaiden Waters and Bess Gibson from Eastern Wayne Middle School, Jennifer Cranford from Norwayne Middle and Josie Klages from Rosewood Middle; middle row: Allison Gurley from Grantham Middle, Dennis Daingerfield from Norwayne and Sadie Scott from Rosewood; back row: Zac Kelly from Grantham and Ethan Donah from Eastern Wayne Middle
Nine students from Wayne County Public Schools recently represented the district as part of the 2016 North Carolina Middle School All State Chorus.
Hundreds of students from across the state showcased their voices and musical talents in the annual event, hosted by the N.C. Music Educators Association. This year's spring chorus performed in Greensboro and featured a sixth-grade chorus, a women's chorus and a mixed chorus.
The following students were chosen from four middle schools in Wayne County.
Eastern Wayne Middle: Bess Gibson, Ethan Donah and Jaiden Waters
Grantham Middle: Allison Gurley and Zac Kelly
Norwayne Middle: Jennifer Cranford and Dennis Daingerfield
Rosewood Middle: Josie Klages and Sadie Scott.
Leading up to the choral event, students spent hours rehearsing at home and with the music teachers at their respective schools.
Students then traveled to their performance site to work with guest clinicians, who brought all of the various vocal parts together in preparation for the showcase.