District 5: Ham picks up seat
By From staff reports
Published in News on November 4, 2015 1:46 PM

David Ham
Setting aside his glass of champagne after ringing it with a spoon to quiet the revelers gathered inside Uniquely R's early-1900s themed Gladstone Tuesday night, David Ham said he was honored to be elected to the Goldsboro City Council District 5 seat.
"I pledge to represent the people in an honorable and fair, ethical manner," Ham said.
Ham ran largely unopposed, despite 23 write-in votes cast mostly on the day of the election. The names offered as candidates by voters will not be known until Thursday when the Wayne County Board of elections publishes individual results. However, Ham said he knew all along the write-in possibility existed.
"Even though I was running unopposed, I approached the campaign as if I had competition," Ham said. "I did not take it for granted."
Turning his attention to the work ahead, Ham said the people of his district can expect that he will look at all of the issues in a fair and equitable manner.
"I will take into consideration the people as a whole and will not be biased in any way," he said.
He said his focus will be to consider the needs of the district.
Ham thanked his campaign manager, Charles Gaylor IV, and his many friends and supporters who stood by him along the way. He saved his deepest gratitude -- and congratulations -- for his wife, Betty Duncan, for supporting his decision to run and for supporting his campaign.
He said he now has the privilege of introducing her as the "first lady of the district."