Graduation: Southern Wayne High School
By Kirsten Ballard
Published in News on June 12, 2015 1:46 PM

Brandon Biggins, 17, left and Noah Blackman, 17, cheer and applaud after being pronounced graduates of Southern Wayne High School.

A group of the more than 200 Southern Wayne High School graduates who turned their tassels Thursday stands to receive their diploma at the ceremony at the University of Mount Olive.
MOUNT OLIVE -- Maryoni Nunez wiped tears from her eyes as she hugged her teacher Nadia Jones.
Although happy to be one of the 235 Southern Wayne High School graduates on Thursday night, she said she was sad to leave a place that had been home for four years.
She had Ms. Jones twice in her time at Southern Wayne, as a freshman and as a senior.
Next year, Maryoni will study at the University of Mount Olive, continuing Ms. Jones' lessons in psychology. The teacher inspired her future major and pushed her to go after her dreams.
"I'll never see these people again," she said. "I think I'm going to miss it."
But Ms. Jones will not be someone she leaves behind.
"I'm always going to be here," Ms. Jones told her. "I'm just a text message away. If you ever want lunch, I'll pick up McDonalds. I'm always here."
Maryoni was not the only student sad to leave Ms. Jones' classroom.
Guadalupe Cielo said the world history teacher made an impression on her as well.
"She pushed everyone," she said.
But she said she is excited to see what the next chapter of her life will hold.
Guadalupe was all smiles when she greeted her family after the ceremony. She held balloons and flowers from her family.
"I'm just very excited," she said.
She will be attending Wayne Community College in the fall.
For Rachel McCullen, Lucas McKay and Ajaysia McKinney, it was the end of an era.
The three have been next to each other, in the alphabet and friendship, since kindergarten at Carver Elementary.
"I'll miss the people," Ajaysia said, as they waited to walk into the arena.
"She'll miss Lucas the most," Lucas laughed.
When the three took their turn walking across the stage in the Kornegay Arena, they looked at each other and smiled.
They did it.
Next year, Rachel will study at the University of Mount Olive. Lucas will attend Campbell University and Ajaysia will go to Wayne Community College and hopes to transfer to East Carolina University.
But one thing will always unite them.
They are all Class of 2015 graduates.
Valedictorian Molly Brogden spoke to her fellow classmates about their differences.
In the audience there were National Honor Society members, athletes and chorus members. After graduation, they will scatter to different colleges and careers.
"What we participated in high school, whether it was sports, clubs or jobs we may never do again. Our interests will change, but right now we all share one thing in common," she said. "We have all made it through 13 years of school."
They did not do it alone though.
After every student walked across the stage, principal Dr. John Boldt recognized the caregivers that made it possible.
"May the guardians who made this possible please stand?" he asked.
As parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles stood, the graduates applauded and cheered.
Salutatorian Meredith Futrelle followed this with the moment everyone had been waiting for.
"Now that we are graduates of Southern Wayne High School, we must go out into the world with our heads held high," she said. "The turning of our tassels will symbolize our transition from students to graduates."
She led the countdown to turning the red and white tassels.
On the lawn, the new graduates greeted their families and said goodbye to teachers.
"I'm so proud of them," Ms. Jones said.