Singing in the season
By News-Argus Staff
Published in News on December 3, 2014 1:46 PM

Members of the Edgewood School chorus open Tuesday night's show by singing and dancing to "You Are My Sunshine."

Students from Brogden Primary School's chorus sing a portion of "Let it Snow."

Students from North Drive Elementary's chorus sing "Holiday Feeling."
The first show of three in the Wayne County Choral Showcase was held Tuesday in the Goldsboro High School auditorium. The entire showcase includes performances from 29 schools and spans three days. Tuesday night's choral presentations included performances by students at Goldsboro High School, Dillard Middle, Carver Heights Elementary, North Drive Elementary, School Street Elementary, Edgewood Community Developmental School, Southern Wayne High School, Mount Olive Middle, Brogden Middle School, Grantham School, Brogden Primary and Carver Elementary. There will be a performance today and Thursday at GHS beginning at 7 p.m. that will showcase the remaining schools' choruses.