City police: Bradbury shooter is already in local jail
By John Joyce
Published in News on May 1, 2014 1:46 PM

Derejay Williams Speede
Goldsboro police investigators say the man who shot a 51-year-old woman in an apartment complex parking lot April 19 is currently in the Wayne County Jail facing charges related to an incident that occurred the day before.
Derejay Williams Speede, 17, was arrested Sunday after a local teenager told lawmen that Speede robbed him of his cellphone, shoes and $80 at gunpoint in the roadway near 3201 Central Heights Road April 18.
But now, the young man faces additional charges in connection with the failed robbery that occurred the following day -- an incident that left 51-year-old Lori Ruth Pate suffering from a gunshot wound to the abdomen.
Speede, of 129 Mill Creek Court, initially faced charges of armed robbery with a dangerous weapon, but now faces another attempted robbery with a dangerous weapon charge and assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury.
He remains in the Wayne County Jail under a new secured bond of $400,000 -- up from the original $100,000 set when he was charged with the first robbery.
Investigator Steve Harmon identified Speede as a suspect and secured a warrant for his arrest, according to a press release issued late Wednesday.
Speede allegedly approached Ms. Pate as she got out of her vehicle in front of her apartment in the Bradbury Place apartment complex.
Ms. Pate described her attacker as a black man wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt and hat -- and said the man demanded her purse and that she refused, so he fired a bullet into her abdomen and fled the scene.
Patrol officers and a K-9 unit scoured the scene, but due to rainy conditions found little evidence. Nothing was taken during the robbery and no weapon has been recovered.
Additional charges are forthcoming, according to the release.