Wayne County's distinguished young women receive scholarships
By From staff reports
Published in News on October 15, 2012 1:46 PM

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Molly Glover, center, is named Distinguished Young Woman of Wayne County 2013. On her left is first runner-up Amy Clarke, and on her right is second runner-up Morgan Howell. Miss Glover will go on to compete in the Distinguished Young Women of North Carolina Scholarship Program in February in Greensboro.
Molly Glover was named Distinguished Young Woman of Wayne County 2013 on recently as 13 senior girls from Wayne County competed for a share of $8,000 in cash scholarships. Miss Glover received a total of $3,450 in cash scholarship prizes. She is the daughter of Dr. Sherill and Robin Glover and attends Wayne Christian High School.
In addition to being named Distinguished Young Woman of Wayne County, Miss Glover won a preliminary award in the areas of self-expression, interview and scholastics. She will go on to compete in the Distinguished Young Women of North Carolina Scholarship Program in February in Greensboro.
The first runner-up was Amy Clarke who attends Wayne Christian High School. She also received a preliminary in self-expression, fitness and scholastics, and received a Be Your Best Self award for a total of $2,050 in cash scholarship.
Morgan Howell, who attends Spring Creek High School, was the second runner-up and received preliminaries in fitness, talent, and scholastics for a total of $1,200 in cash scholarship.
Other winners included: Jenna Hussey, who attends Charles B. Aycock, received a preliminary in self-expression and interview for a total of $300 in cash scholarship; Emily Daniel, who attends Spring Creek, received a preliminary in talent and interview for a total of $300 in cash scholarship; Raehanna Evans, who attends Eastern Wayne High School, was awarded $300 in cash scholarship for the spirit award; Alaina Ruggery, who attends Eastern Wayne, was awarded $150 in cash scholarship for a preliminary in fitness; Charlotte Kornegay, who attends Rosewood High, was awarded $150 in cash scholarship for a preliminary in talent; and Sara Fallin, who attends Parrot Academy, was awarded $100 in cash scholarship for a Be Your Best Self Award.
The 56th annual Distinguished Young Women of America national finals will be held June 27-29 in Mobile, Ala.