Jet Beauty hails from Goldsboro
By Phyllis Moore
Published in News on May 27, 2012 1:50 AM

Donminique Gramby
As a little girl, Donminique Gramby would flip to one particular page in Jet magazine when it was delivered to her home -- the Beauty of the Week.
She dreamed that one day her face would adorn the page.
And now, at age 23, she can attest to what it feels like.
On Page 42 of the April 16 issue, striking a pose in a blue bikini, she was the featured "Beauty of the Week."
For Wayne County residents, though, the first line of her bio information was just as important.
Hometown: Goldsboro, N.C.
"My father (Don Gramby) was military, stationed at Seymour Johnson, so the family moved here when I was in first grade," she said. "I consider it home."
While still in elementary and middle school, she attended Suzanne's Studio of Finishing and Modeling and in recent years began putting together a portfolio of headshots and photographs.
"My education and getting my degree is first," she pointed out. "It's (modeling is) a hobby."
Since graduating from Eastern Wayne High School in 2006, she earned her degree in family and community services from East Carolina University in 2010.
Now a graduate student at N.C. A&T University, she hopes to complete her master's degree in adult education in December.
But who says you can't have brains and beauty?
"Being Beauty of the Week has always been admirable to me," she said. "It was just a good opportunity because it's actually allowing me to be seen as something more than a beautiful body, a beautiful face. I'm smart, I do have other goals."
She had the photo shoot with a Greensboro photographer in January, with hopes of being chosen to appear in Jet magazine.
"I didn't know whether or not I would be in it," she said. "I was contacted by the editor of Jet to do a follow-up interview."
There were no promises made at that point. But within a few weeks, Ms. Gramby was notified that she had been selected.
"It was kind of surreal," she said of her initial reaction. "Wow, a bunch of people will see this.
"I think, it comes out 52 weeks a year -- I'm actually one of those 52 women."
The response since the magazine hit the stands has likewise been impressive.
"I have gotten a lot of support from everyone," she said this week. "My family is extremely proud. My father is excited. He's contacted a lot of people. I have heard from other agencies, other photographers, people that want to work with me.
"It's pretty awesome. I'm not sure if Goldsboro has ever had a Jet beauty before."