Choices limited on ballots today
By From staff reports
Published in News on November 8, 2011 1:46 PM

Mike Daly leaves the New Hope Friends Church in Goldsboro after casting his ballot Tuesday morning. Voting was described as "very light" this morning in Wayne County's four municipal and four sanitary district races. Elections officials are predicting about a 20 percent turnout of the 16,764 voters eligible to cast ballots today. The polls opened at 6:30 a.m. and will remain open until 7:30 p.m. For the first time ever, poll workers will be using laptop computers loaded with the voter database instead of using the traditional bound voter registration books to sign in voters.
Polls opened this morning at 6:30 and will close at 7:30 p.m for the few elections on today's ballot.
No candidates filed for the three open seats on the Eureka town board where the election will be decided by write-ins. There are four candidates for the three open seats on the Pikeville town board. In Seven Springs there is one candidate for mayor and one for the town's three open board seats. As in the case of Eureka, those seats would be filled by write-in votes.
There are four candidates for three open seats on the Walnut Creek board. The sanitary district elections are for Fork Township, Northwestern Wayne, Southern Wayne Southwestern Wayne.
Elections results will be available online tonight by going to and selecting Board of Elections under departments.