Goldsboro police chief will retire this March
By Gary Popp
Published in News on November 21, 2010 1:50 AM

Goldsboro Police Chief Tim Bell will retire from the department after 30 years of service for the city.
The city of Goldsboro will begin looking soon for a new chief for its police department.
After nearly 30 years at the department, Chief Tim Bell has announced plans to retire early next year.
Bell has served as the chief since 2002 and will officially leave the department at the end of February 2011.
The chief said he wants to be involved in the search for his successor, which he added could begin as early as this week.
"I would like to be part of that process. I want to help make it a smooth transition," Bell said.
He added that he hopes the new chief will be in place, or at least a viable candidate, before he leaves the department.
Bell began his law enforcement career at the Police Department as a patrol officer in 1982.
While at the department, Bell rose through the ranks serving as sergeant, lieutenant and major before he was promoted to chief in 2002.
During his career, Bell has spent much of that time working in drug investigations.
Bell recalled being at the department during the first crack cocaine seizure in Goldsboro, an incident that is now commonplace, he said.
He said he has witnessed a hardening of the drug dealer mentality in Goldsboro.
"In the 1980s, there was a sense of respect among drug dealers for police officers," Bell said. "On the street today, I don't see as much value for human life, unfortunately."
While the criminal element in Goldsboro might pose an increasingly formidable threat today, Bell said he feels the police officers he will leave behind are prepared to provide top-notch law enforcement.
"We have a great staff," Bell said. "I can't praise them enough."
Bell said he hopes the values he has tried to emphasize as chief will remain a key part of the department after he is gone.
"I have always tried to emphasize family and not getting too consumed with work," Bell said. "You have to take care of yourself and your family first. If you don't, it will lead to problems at work and at home."
Bell said he has always wanted his staff to set proper priorities -- including keeping faith as an integral part of their lives.
The chief said he would advise the next chief to work the budget to the best of his or her ability to provide for the staff and to allow them to do their jobs.
"They will perform, and they will do an outstanding job."